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About Us

~ Unhooking the stereotypes ~


India's first Intimate Apparel designer brand! Our products stand out because we make our own trends, statement pieces and also customize lingerie of your dreams to your fit at affordable Price.  We address the frustration of not getting enough variety of designs. The belief behind our products is to enjoy our bodies in it's respective shape, size and color. We have researched over the problems faced by women in lingerie and taking our customer's feedback we work upon them and design better products. So our inspiration is our customers. That's why we say that Unhooked starts with You!

Philosophy behind Unhooked

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New Normal

Broken Handcuffs


Unhooked is inspired from the open minded, strong opinionated and rebel Indian women who kept unhooking themselves from all the societal barriers they faced throughout their lives and moved forward with courage.

Unhooked is of the women, to the women, for the women!



Our mission is to make women realize about the powers they are blessed with. To wake that power up and encourage them to conquer the world. Lingerie makes a woman feel confident so we want her to raise her confidence and strengthen her voice for her rights.



Every shape, body and color is normal and equal. The thought of becoming empowered, independent and breaking societal chains is a beautiful thought. We want the world to believe in the belief of embracing Beauty in everything.



The purest form of emotion is love. It consists of all the powers in the world. The deeper and longer the love is, more beautiful it gets. The Love we celebrate in our brand is made up of Power and Beauty.

Design Philosophy


...lovers of promised land whose love stories are deep and long, who believes in each other and never gets poisoned by the vulnerability of time. The state of heart of such lovers inspires our designs. The amount of trust, patience, strength and consistency of lovers is a true example of  beauty on Earth. The unseen beauty in the hearts of lovers who makes it to the promised land...

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